Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.
Are you longing to start something new, forge your way into a new career or trying something different within your current business?
What is stopping you? What is in your way?
As I talk to many of my clients, fellow coaches and colleagues from the corporate world there seems to be a voice that whispers “Don’t, I can’t, I will fail and feel stupid”.
That stepping into the unknown is always a little unsettling, doing something that is unpracticed and out of our comfort zone, feels more likely to fail, go wrong or just damn uncomfortable.
Just start, do one thing every day that takes you in the direction you want to go. I’ve realised that the little voice that stops us from starting has a selective memory, it does not remember how far we have come. You did not reach this point by being scared or holding back. Moving forward is what we all do every day, so make the best use of the time you have and begin the journey your heart is longing to take.
A tactic that I use to get going, I set myself the goal of having 50 cups of coffee. That’s a cup of coffee with 50 different people from my extended network, its a great way to start telling people what I’m working on and getting input on what will work and how best to take my idea forward. If there is someone who doesn’t have the time or energy to have coffee with me, I just ask them to refer me to someone they know that may be helpful in exploring the idea I have. Believe it or not, I usually get so much from those coffee conversations in the form of inspiration, challenge and paying work that I don’t always reach the 50 coffees target. What is the step you need to take today?
You don’t need a fancy office or a website to get started. You may need those things in time, but Apple, the most profitable business in the world started in Steve Job’s parents’ garage. Use what you have available right now. You don’t need things, clever marketing or bespoke software systems to feel professional, you just need to gain experience, learn and keep working at it. So use what is right in front of you, shape it and claim it as your own.
So you may not find the solution to eradicate world hunger in the first year but you can make an impact on the people, communities and issues surrounding you. There is a very good chance that you will understand what needs to be done a lot more clearly if you start with something that you are familiar with than if you are trying to do something completely beyond your reach. Little things can have a big impact, so do little things, often and with positive intention and your impact will follow.
Be Authentic…
The biggest factor in all of this is being authentically you. Don’t pretend, create a facade or over promise. Be yourself, tell your story and how the new direction is a perfect blend of all the things you have done before. There is no-one else out there that has your experience, your perspective and your gifts. Embrace being authentically you and you will attract the people who need that exact combination to help them.
If you would like to have a cup of coffee and chat about your dream and where to start, send me a message. I’ll be happy to chat and help you take the first steps.